agita steinberga ©

Built with

  1. Leftovers. 2023.

    Concrete. Exhibition "Stone Heads", Doles sala, Latvia

  2. Agita Steinberga & Andris Marackovskis. Hot Spot. 2017. Limestone, 170x150x100cm, I'billin, Israel

    Agita Steinberga & Andris Marackovskis. Hot Spot. 2017. Limestone, 170x150x100cm, I'billin, Israel

    Agita Steinberga & Andris Marackovskis. Hot Spot. 2017. Limestone, 170x150x100cm, I'billin, Israel

    Agita Steinberga & Andris Marackovskis. Hot Spot. 2017. Limestone, 170x150x100cm, I'billin, Israel

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      Agita Steinberga & Andris Marackovskis. Hot Spot. 2017. Limestone, 170x150x100cm, I'billin, Israel

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    Agita Steinberga & Andris Marackovskis. Hot Spot.

    2017. Limestone, 170x150x100cm, I'billin, Israel

  3. "Foot Massage" 2015, granite, 100x70x80cm

  4. Moment of Being. 2014. Diabaz (stone), 80x75x35 cm International Diabas (stone) master class in the framework of the Art & Technology Olofström 2014 project, Sweden

    Moment of Being. 2014. Diabaz (stone), 80x75x35 cm

    International Diabas (stone) master class in the framework of the Art & Technology Olofström 2014 project, Sweden

    Moment of Being. 2014. Diabaz (stone), 80x75x35 cm International Diabas (stone) master class in the framework of the Art & Technology Olofström 2014 project, Sweden

    Moment of Being. 2014. Diabaz (stone), 80x75x35 cm

    International Diabas (stone) master class in the framework of the Art & Technology Olofström 2014 project, Sweden

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      Moment of Being. 2014. Diabaz (stone), 80x75x35 cm

      International Diabas (stone) master class in the framework of the Art & Technology Olofström 2014 project, Sweden

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    Inspired by Virginia Woolf. Moments of Being.

         Pēc Virdžīnijas Vulfas autobiogrāfiskā sacerējuma "Pagātnes skice", kurā viņa pauž, ka dzīve, šķiet, ir sadalīta starp visai daudz parastām, neiespaidīgām rutīnas darbībām - kuras viņa dēvē par "vati vai neesamību" - un pēkšņiem, spēcīgiem triecieniem, "īpašiem mirkļiem", kuriem ir sava veida atklāsmes loma. Tas viņu aizved līdz viņas rakstības "koncepcijai" un viņas diezgan noslēpumainajai dzīves filozofijai, "ka aiz vates slēpjas kāds raksts" un ka visi cilvēki ir daļa no šā universālā "mākslas darba" (...)





    Afternoon. 2009. Granite, 160x110x90 cm.  Remembrance sculpture garden dedicated to Latvian poet Jānis Sudrabkalns. Jaunpiebalga, Latvia

  6. Eduard. 2008

    Concrete, 50x70x40 cm

    Eduards. 2008

    Betons, 50x70x40 cm

  7. Attrition. 2008. Granite, 35x20x15cm

  8. Increasing of number. 2008. White concrete, teracco. Qualification work in sculpture, in territory of Janis Rozentals Riga Art  School Riga, Latvia

    Skaita pavairošana. 2008. Baltais betons, teracco. Kvalifikācijas darbs Tēlniecībā, Jaņa Rozentāla Rīgas Mākslas vidusskola, Rīga, Latvija

  9. Hoding Place, 2007. Patinated concrete. LU Botanical garden, Riga, Latvia

    Paslēptuve, 2007. Patinēts betons. LU Botāniskais dārzs, Rīga, Latvija

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